It seems that the only phenomenon of 2020 was the pandemic. It has taken more than 86,000 lives in Italy (Integrated Surveillance data as of January 27). For some, Covid caused depression, for others, it took away their jobs. So many of us are just tired of the endless restrictions. We all want to go back to normal life where there are so many other topics and where extraordinary things happen: a live concert, an exhibition with many visitors, aperitifs out of zoom. I wish we could remember other follies of 2020. For example, that of the phenomenon of Lidl shoes.
The title of my work is € 12.99. It is the exact price set for Lidl shoes. On November 16, 2020, within a few minutes, all the shoes were sold out in all physical stores, and shortly after they were put back on sale on different online platforms at much higher prices than the original one. According to official information from eBay, the highest purchase value was recorded on November 17 - € 71,950.
I wish it were the only crazy phenomenon of 2020.